A new French grammar textbook! We are happy to announce the new launch of a new French grammar textbook! For more details about the textbook:・アクティブに学ぶフランス語文法 ( Akutibu ni manabu furansugo bunpo) They are now available at Amazon.・アクティブに学ぶフランス語文法 ( Akutibu ni manabu furansugo bunpo)
We are happy to announce the new launch of a new French grammar textbook! For more details about the textbook:・アクティブに学ぶフランス語文法 ( Akutibu ni manabu furansugo bunpo) They are now available at Amazon.・アクティブに学ぶフランス語文法 ( Akutibu ni manabu furansugo bunpo)