Request a free sample copy
1. Sample copy request
We appreciate your interest in our textbooks.
We send evaluation copies free of charge to teachers based in Japan.
Please fill out the Sample Copy Request form below.
We send evaluation copies to teachers based in Japan, who teach at a university, middle school, or high school.
If you work at a language school, please get in touch with us. -
We send a maximum of 3 different titles per person.
As a rule, we send only one evaluation copy per title. If you are considering a textbook for your whole department, please contact us.
We send evaluation copies through “mail-bin”. They will be delivered to you within a week, up to ten days.
2. Desk copy and Teacher's Book request
Teachers who adopt one of our textbooks can receive the Teacher's Manual free of charge, and also a desk copy if they need one. You can request these materials below.
We offer teacher's materials only to teachers who give classes at a university, JHS, or SHS in Japan.
If you work at a language school, please get in touch with us. -
We send them through “mail-bin”. They will be delivered to you within a week, up to ten days.
Audio CDs are available at a cost.